Rebranding: How social can Social Media be?

Your brand is your identity. So…when you decide to rebrand then you need to ensure you use social media in the right way for maximum effect. How do you want your customers to see you? Maybe you have a great eco-tourism hook that’s working or you are on an all lives matter campaign. However you promote your brand, here are some tips you can use on social media.

  • Hire a professional. Once you decide to rebrand and make an investment to do just that, make that investment count with a professional refreshed look for your social pages too!
  • Give the people want they want. Well at least a sneak peep. The same way all other media would have a sneak peek so too should your social media to tie into your entire rebranding campaign.
  • Get your team energised about the rebrand. Ensure your staff know why you are rebranding and understand the new brand so they can be part of the online movement. Even grant access from before the full launch so they take ownership and really get the measure out once you really launch.
  • Be consistent with your message. Free posting with no thought can derail your rebranding efforts.
  • Post frequently. Engaging your customers will keep them coming back and help your new image get the exposure it needs.
  • Be prepared to have promotions. Maybe a phot competition where your customers spot your new brand #biggestfan! Go viral with an awesome promo and gain much needed exposure.
  • Find out what makes your customers tick and share info on these topics so they know you care.
  • Listen to rebrand criticism on your page and make a change.
  • Develop a media plan and tweak it when needed. Planning never fails and will ensure you keep your brand on the up and up, on the rebrand.

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